J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci.  2021 Dec;37(4):232-243. 10.14368/jdras.2021.37.4.232.

A comparison study on shear bond strength of 3D printed resin and conventional heat-cured denture base resin to denture relining materials

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of various 3D printed denture base resins and the conventional denture base resin to various denture relining materials.
Materials and Methods
For denture base materials, a heatcured (Vertex RS) and two types of 3D printed DENTCA Denture base II, NextDent TM Base) were used. And 4 types denture relining materials (Tokuyama Rebase II fast, Kooliner, Denture Liner, Denture Liner, Lang Jet Denture Repair Kit) with different components were used. It was classified into 12 groups. Adhesion was performed between the resin base and the relining materials in accordance with ISO/TS 11405 standard. The shear bonding strength was measured, and then the adhesion interface was observed with a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The fracture pattern was investigated through the analysis of the fragment.
In the 3D printed denture resin group, the shear bonding strength with relining materials was significantly lower than that of the heat-cured resin group (P < 0.05). The group of polymethyl methacrylate -based relining materials, high shear bonding strength was shown regardless of the type of denture. As for the fracture pattern, adhesive fracture appeared in most groups, and cohesive, mixed fracture appeared in some groups.
The polymethyl methacrylate -based denture relining materials showed high shear bonding strength values compared to other denture relining materials. But, for direct methods, it is considered advantageous in terms of shear bonding strength to use a isobutyl methacrylate-based denture relining materials.


3D printing denture base resin; denture relining material; shear bond strength


  • Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of denture base resin embedded in self-cuing acrylic resin.

  • Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup of the shear bond strength; the load was applied directly to the interface.

  • Fig. 3 Mean values (± SD) of shear bond strengths. Asterisk (*) indicates s Asterisk (*) indicates statistically significant difference between the experimental groups. SD: standard deviation, VT: Vertex + Tokuyama, VK: Vertex + Kooliner, VD: Vertex + Denture Liner, VL: Vertex + Lang, DT: DENTCA + Tokuyama, DK: DENTCA + Kooliner, DD: DENTCA + Denture Liner, DL: DENTCA + Lang, NT: Nextdent + Tokuyama, NK: Nextden t+ Kooliner, ND: Nextdent + Denture Liner, NL: Nextdent + Lang.

  • Fig. 4 The failure mode distribution of the shear bond strength test of all group.

  • Fig. 5 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs after shear bond strength test: Adhesive failure. (A) Group DK (DENTCA + Kooliner): Interfacial failure (x50), (B) Group DK (DENTCA + Kooliner): Interfacial failure (x500).

  • Fig. 6 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs after shear bond strength test: Cohesive failure. (A) Group VK (Vertex+Kooliner): Cohesive failure on the relining material (x50), (B) Group VK (Vertex + Kooliner): Cohesive failure on the relining material (x500).

  • Fig. 7 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs after shear bond strength test: Mixed failure. (A) Group NT (NextDent + Tokuyama rebase II): Mixed failure (x50), (B) Group NT (NextDent + Tokuyama rebase II): Mixed failure (x1000).

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