J Korean Orthop Assoc.  1979 Sep;14(3):547-552. 10.4055/jkoa.1979.14.3.547.

The Treatment of Knee Joint Tuberculosis with Preservation of Joint Motion


In Korea, more than in most other countries, motions in hip and knee are extremely important because kneeling and squatting are conventional potures in the home and social activities. from this point of view, the preservation of mobility is a critical trial in the treatment of tubercuiosis of the knee joint. In 1974 we reported five cases of tuberculosis of the knee which were treated with preservation of the joint mobility. This is the report of another four cases of knee joint tuberculosis which were treated by synovectomy and curettage of the bony focus in an allempt to half the pathological process without sacrificing joint motion. All of the four cases have preserved their knee joint motion and have gained an average of 43.7 degrees of motion through joint exercise started five weeks post-operatively. Previously reported cases started their joint exercise eight weeks after operation and gained an average of only 26.7 degrees of motion. As chemotherapy provides more effectiveness in the treatment of joint tuberculosis, early joint motion postoperatively is important to gain more range of joint motion. In conclusion, tuberculosis of major weight bearing joints, notably the knee, may be successfully treated their joint motions preserved by surgical eradication of the lesion and chemotherapy.

MeSH Terms

Drug Therapy
Knee Joint*
Tuberculosis, Osteoarticular
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