Clin Orthop Surg.  2018 Dec;10(4):468-478. 10.4055/cios.2018.10.4.468.

Feasibility of a New Desktop Motion Analysis System with a Video Game Console for Assessing Various Three-Dimensional Wrist Motions

  • 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea.
  • 2Biomedical Engineering Branch, Division of Convergence Technology, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea.
  • 3Department of Orthopedic Surgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
  • 4Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital, Seoul, Korea.


The restriction of wrist motion results in limited hand function, and the evaluation of the range of wrist motion is related to the evaluation of wrist function. To analyze and compare the wrist motion during four selected tasks, we developed a new desktop motion analysis system using the motion controller for a home video game console.
Eighteen healthy, right-handed subjects performed 15 trials of selective tasks (dart throwing, hammering, circumduction, and winding thread on a reel) with both wrists. The signals of light-emitting diode markers attached to the hand and forearm were detected by the optic receptor in the motion controller. We compared the results between both wrists and between motions with similar motion paths.
The parameters (range of motion, offset, coupling, and orientations of the oblique plane) for wrist motion were not significantly different between both wrists, except for radioulnar deviation for hammering and the orientation for thread winding. In each wrist, the ranges for hammering were larger than those for dart throwing. The offsets and the orientations of the oblique plane were not significantly different between circumduction and thread winding.
The results for the parameters of dart throwing, hammering, and circumduction of our motion analysis system using the motion controller were considerably similar to those of the previous studies with three-dimensional reconstruction with computed tomography, electrogoniometer, and motion capture system. Therefore, our system may be a cost-effective and simple method for wrist motion analysis.


Wrist; Range of motion; Arthrometry; Dart-throwing motion

MeSH Terms

Range of Motion, Articular
Video Games*


  • Fig. 1 Four selective tasks of the wrist motion. (A) Dart throwing. (B) Hammering. (C) Circumduction. (D) Winding thread on a reel.

  • Fig. 2 Principal axes in the wrist motion. (A) Coupling. (B) Orientation of the oblique circumduction plane. FE: flexion-extension, ROM: range of motion, RUD: radioulnar deviation.

  • Fig. 3 Kinematic motion paths for dart throwing (A), hammering (B), circumduction (C), and thread winding (D).


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