J Korean Acad Prosthodont.  2018 Apr;56(2):105-113. 10.4047/jkap.2018.56.2.105.

Three-dimensional finite element analysis according to the insertion depth of an immediately loaded implant in the anterior maxilla

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. proshan@snu.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the insertion depth of an immediately loaded implant on the stress distribution of the surrounding bone and the micromovement of the implant using the three-dimensional finite element analysis.
A total of five bone models were constructed such that the implant platform was positioned at the levels of 0.00 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.75 mm, and 1.00 mm depth from the crest of the cortical bone. A frictional coefficient of 0.3 and the insertion torque of 35 Ncm were simulated on the interface between the implant and surrounding bone. A static load of 178 N was applied to the provisional prosthesis with a vertical load in the axial direction and an oblique load at 30°with respect to the central axis of the implant, then a finite element analysis was performed.
The implant insertion depth significantly affected the stress distribution on the surrounding bone. The largest micromovement value of the implant was 39.34 µm. The oblique load contributed significantly to the stress distribution and micromovement in comparison to the vertical load.
Increasing the implant insertion depth was advantageous in dispersing the concentrated stress in the cortical bone and did not significantly affect the micromovement associated with early osseointegration failure.


Dental implants; Immediate dental implant loading; Insertion depth; Finite element analysis

MeSH Terms

Dental Implants
Finite Element Analysis*
Immediate Dental Implant Loading
Prostheses and Implants
Dental Implants


  • Fig. 1 Representative illustration of 5 different bone models. Implant platform (red line) was positioned at depths of 0.00 mm (A), 0.25 mm (B), 0.50 mm (C), 0.75 mm (D), 1.00 mm (E) from the crest of the cortical bone.

  • Fig. 2 Loading condition. The static load (178 N) was applied to the provisional prosthesis. (A) vertical load, (B) oblique load, θ = 30°.

  • Fig. 3 Stress distributions in peri-implant bone before loading. The stress was concentrated in a close and narrow area along the thread of the implant and similar on the labial and palatal side. (A) 0.00 mm, (B) 0.25 mm, (C) 0.50 mm, (D) 0.75 mm, (E) 1.00 mm.

  • Fig. 4 Stress distributions in peri-implant bone under vertical loading. The stress was distributed widely and the area of stress concentration in the crest of the cortical bone gradually decreased as the insertion depth increased. (A) 0.00 mm, (B) 0.25 mm, (C) 0.50 mm, (D) 0.75 mm, (E) 1.00 mm.

  • Fig. 5 Stress distributions in the peri-implant bone under oblique loading. The stress was concentrated on the labial side of the cortical bone, and the area of high stress concentration shifted more and more apically as the insertion depth increased. (A) 0.00 mm, (B) 0.25 mm, (C) 0.50 mm, (D) 0.75 mm, (E) 1.00 mm.


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