J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc.  2017 May;56(2):68-77. 10.4306/jknpa.2017.56.2.68.

The Effect of Depression, Stress, Coping Strategies on the Suicidal Ideation in Healthy Controls and Psychiatric Patients

  • 1Department of Psychiatry, Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea.
  • 2Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Bugok National Hospital, Changnyeong, Korea. biophilia1@paran.com


The aim of this study was to compare the coping strategies among healthy controls, psychotic and neurotic patients and to evaluate the predictors of suicidal ideation.
The study population consisted of 115 outpatients in Ulsan University Hospital and 160 healthy controls. They filled out self-report questionnaires including demographics and validated psychiatric scales for depression, perceived stress, coping strategies, and suicide ideation. An analysis of the covariance was used to compare the clinical data among the groups. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate the effects of coping strategies and depression on the risk for suicidal ideation.
Compared to the controls, the psychosis group used less active coping, and the neurosis group used more self-blame coping strategies. In healthy controls, suicidal ideation was predicted by depression, female gender, and using more self-blame coping. Although planning in psychosis was a protective factor, acceptance and self-blame in psychosis and behavioral disengagement in neurosis was a risk factor for suicidal ideation.
Patients with psychotic and neurotic disorders use different coping strategies to deal with their distress and some of those are risk factors for suicidal ideation. Therefore, improving coping skills will be helpful for preventing suicide by alleviating the levels of stress and providing more effective emotion regulation.


Stress; Coping; Depression; Suicide; Psychosis; Neurosis

MeSH Terms

Adaptation, Psychological
Neurotic Disorders
Protective Factors
Psychotic Disorders
Risk Factors
Suicidal Ideation*
Weights and Measures

Cited by  1 articles

Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior of Psychiatric Inpatients
Honey Kim, Ju-Wan Kim, Hee-Ju Kang, Seon-Young Kim, Ju-Yeon Lee, Jae-Min Kim, II-Seon Shin, Jin-Sang Yoon, Sung-Wan Kim
J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc. 2019;58(3):202-208.    doi: 10.4306/jknpa.2019.58.3.202.


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