J Nurs Acad Soc.  1980 Jun;10(1):57-64.

A Study on the Influences of Stressful Events and Coping Behavior on Mental Health


The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between experienced stressful events and its coping behavior within mentally wellness and illness, and to define the effective coping method under the stressful situation. By doing so, during the period of April, 1978- to March, 1979 the objects of this study were 100 persons who were under the psychiatric facilities in their first hospitalization, and who were registered in psychiatric out patient department in the form general hospitals located at Seoul selected as a experimental group. As a control group 100 persons who never experienced psychiatric treatmcntd who were not under the current medical treatment, and who were earring appropriate social roles in their community were selected, and in both groups utilized questimaires for Social Readjustment Pating Scale and Coping Scale. This study was tested by X2 examinationand by F-ratio (analysis of variance). Results were as follows : Hypothesis 1 . The actually experienced life events were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, but they did not show the significant difference between the groups. (p> 0.05) Thus hypothesis 1 was rejected. Hypothesis : 2 . The stress scores were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the groups (p<0.05) . Therefore hypothesis 2 was supported. Hypothesis 3 . The non-effective coping behavior were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the two groups(p< 0.001). Also hypothesis 3 was supported. Hypohthesis 4 . The higher stress score groups (above 250 LCU) were expected to utilize non-effective coping method more frefuently than in the lower stress score groups (below 249 LCU), and not only they showed high in utilizing non-effective coping method but also showed high in utilizing effective coping method. Thus hyphothesis 4 was partially supported, (p < 0.001) The following are drawn out based on the result of this study that the stress scores were higher, and more utilized non-effective coping method in the emotionally disturbances than in the emtionally healthies.

MeSH Terms

Adaptation, Psychological*
Hospitals, General
Life Change Events*
Mental Health*
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