J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2016 Dec;22(5):518-530. 10.11111/jkana.2016.22.5.518.

Effect of SBAR-Collaborative Communication Program on the Nurses' Communication skills and the Collaboration between Nurses and Doctors

  • 1Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea. juliet@dongguk.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of the SBAR-Collaborative Communication Program on nurses' communication skills and on collaboration between nurses and doctors.
From March 11 to November 11, 2013, data were collected from 180 hospital nurses working in a university hospital in Gyeonggi province. Outcomes were measured at three time intervals; before, three and six months after the program was completed.
After participating in this program, there was a significant increase in nurses'communication skills but not in collaboration between nurses and doctors. None of the participants' general categories influenced nurses'communication skills at pre-test, but age, education level, total years of working and work department significantly influenced scores at 3 and 6 months. Work department was the only category for which there was a significant difference in collaboration between nurses and doctors at pre-test, and education level and work department were related to significant improvement at 6 months.
Findings indicate that this program can improve communication skills for nurses and also, collaboration between nurses and doctors, especially for nurses under 25 years of age. Thus nursing and hospital managers should provide SBAR-Collaborative Communication Programs to new nurses in their job training.


SBAR; Communication; Collaboration; Nurse

MeSH Terms

Cooperative Behavior*

Cited by  1 articles

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Seung Min Lee, Kyung Mi Sung
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