J Korean Pediatr Soc.
1996 Oct;39(10):1466-1468.
A Case of Infected Urachal Cyst Mimicking Acute Peritonitis
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Chinju, Korea.
- Infected urachal cyst is a rare disorder. While a urachal cyst is usually asymptomatic, the infected cyst may mimic a variety of acute intraabdominal infection. We have experienced a case of infected urachal cyst in a 3 year old boy complaining of high fever and diarrhea. During hospitalization, symptoms and sings of acute peritonitis dominated the clinical feature. Abdominal sonogram, abdominal computerized tomography and cavitogram demonstrated cystic mass posterior to central abdominal wall. Pus was drained from the cystic lesion by ultrasound-guided needle aspiration and indwelling catheter insertion. E.coli was cultured from pus. In the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen ultrasonographic examination of abdomen should be recruited to rule out the infected urachal cyst.