J Korean Acad Oral Health.  2016 Jun;40(2):100-104. 10.11149/jkaoh.2016.40.2.100.

Effect of health behaviors on oral health in Korean adolescents

  • 1Mir Dental Hospital, Daegu, Korea.
  • 2Department of Preventive Dentisry, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. beijingjo@hanmail.net


Adolescence is a time during which health behaviors and attitudes that significantly affect the quality of life are formed. The aim of this study was to analyze data from a large national survey to determine the effect of health behaviors and the DMFT index as well as oral and general health behavior patterns on oral health in adolescents.
Data from the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used to analyze the association between health behaviors and the DMFT index in Korean adolescents. The data were analyzed using SAS version 19.3. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between the variables, and 95% confidence intervals were computed.
Sex, age, private medical insurance coverage, usage of oral-hygiene-assistance products, lack of dental treatment, and the status of self-recognition of oral health were the factors that had a significant influence on oral health among adolescents.
The study findings provided further evidence supporting the promotion of school-based oral health programs and highlighting the need of oral health education for adolescents.


Adolescent; Health behavior; Oral health

MeSH Terms

Health Behavior*
Insurance Coverage
Nutrition Surveys
Oral Health*
Quality of Life

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