J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2013 Mar;19(2):292-303.

Hospital Nurses' Uses of Evidence, and Barriers to and Enablers of Evidenced-based Practice

  • 1College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea. jihwang@khu.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experience of evidence-based nursing practice in general hospitals.
Data were collected from 13 nurses through in-depth interviews about their experiences with evidence-based practice. The research questions were "What kind of evidence are you using in your practice?" and "What are the barriers to and enablers of evidence-based practice that you have experienced?" Qualitative data from field and transcribed notes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis methodology.
Major themes of using evidence were identified as 'research as primary valid evidence', 'information from local context and internet as realistic evidence', and 'clinical experience as pragmatic evidence'. Patient experience was not used as evidence in solving nursing problems. Barriers to and enablers of evidence-based practice were linked. They included both external, organizational factors and individual factors. Main issues were 'lack of evidence and poor work environment', and major facilitating factors were 'improving knowledge and skills related to evidence-based practice' and 'communicating and sharing evidence'.
The study findings provide useful information for understanding nurses' experience of using external and internal evidence along with their meaning. A multidimensional approach is needed to overcome barriers to and implement evidence-based practice.


Evidence-based practice; Nurses; Barriers; Enablers

MeSH Terms

Evidence-Based Nursing
Evidence-Based Practice


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