Korean J Perinatol.  2013 Jun;24(2):101-105. 10.14734/kjp.2013.24.2.101.

A Case of Live Birth in a Non-communicating Rudimentary Horn Pregnancy and Rupture after Intrauterine Insemination

  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jeju National University, College of Medicine, Jeju, Korea. pompous21@naver.com


Rudimentary horn is a rare uterine anomaly and pregnancy in the rudimentary horn is an extremely rare condition. We report a case of live birth in a non-communicating rudimentary horn pregnancy and rupture. The pregnancy was successfully delivered by cesarean section, with neonatal and maternal survival.


Live birth; Pregnancy; Rudimentary horn; Rupture

MeSH Terms

Cesarean Section
Live Birth


  • Fig. 1 Clinical photography showing the uterus with the rudimentary horn and placenta in situ attached to its right border.


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