Korean J Nutr.  2011 Oct;44(5):443-452. 10.4163/kjn.2011.44.5.443.

Exposure Assessment for Pesticide Residues in Vegetables using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data for Seoulites

  • 1Gangnam Agro-marin Products Inspection Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health andEnvironment, Seoul 138-701, Korea. jangmr@seoul.go.kr
  • 2Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Dankook University, Yongin 448-701, Korea.


The characteristics of pesticide residues were examined in 18,069 samples from 91 vegetable commodities collected in Seoul from 2007 to 2009, and the vegetable dietary intakes of Seoulites were estimated using the Korea National Health and Nutrition examination survey data from 2008. The hazard index was calculated using vegetable pesticide residues and dietary vegetable intake by Seoulites. Detection rates for pesticide residues in vegetables were 11.2 % in 2007, 8.6 % in 2008, and 12.0 % in 2009. Excess rate of Maximum Residue Limits tended to decline from 4.6 % in 2007, to 2.8 % in 2008, and 2.1 % in 2009. Daily vegetable intake for Seoulites was 288.12 +/- 214.8 g, and vegetable intake by males was more than that of females (p < 0.001). The hazard index was the highest at 2.76 x 10(-2) in 2007, and the lowest at 1.69 x 10(-2) in 2009. The risks caused by multiple pesticides in vegetables were very low and vegetable intake was safe considering the hazard index values.


exposure assessment; pesticide residues; vegetable intakes; hazard index

MeSH Terms

Nutrition Surveys
Pesticide Residues
Pesticide Residues


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