Korean J Obstet Gynecol.  1997 Apr;40(4):706-711.

Correlation of Corpus Luteum Size, beta-hCG, Progesterone, and 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone in Early Pregnancy

  • 1Department of Obstetics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea.


Pregnancy maintenance is dependent on the presence of a functional corpusluteum (CL) for a few weeks after implantation. However, the factors responsible for the rescue of the CL during earlypregnancy have not been fully clarified. This study was designed to evaluate whether the change in size of the CL ofearly pregnancy, serum concentration of progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone,or beta-hCG correlated with the gestational age or were predictive of pregnancyoutcome. We retrospectively analysed thirty-six women between 4~9 weeks' gestation. All women underwent transvaginal ultrasound measurement of the CL size andgestational sac(or crown-rump length). Blood was drawn from each patient on the day of the ultrasound examinationto measure hormone concentration. Fifteen women experienced vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain.Among them, four women were aborted. There was no significant positive correlation between CL size and serumprogesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone or beta-hCG both in normal and abnormal pregnancy. A positive correlation was observed between the gestational age and progesterone orbeta-hCG in normal pregnancy, but not in abnormal pregnancy(threatened or spontanousabortion). In conclusion, close correlation between the gestational age and serum concentrationof progesterone or beta-hCG may reflect the normal function of CL. Therefore, abnormal response of CL or abnormal production of beta-hCG cause a disturbancein progesterone secretion leading to the abnormal pregnancy.


Early pregnancy; Corpus luteum; Progesterone; 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone; beta-hCG

MeSH Terms

Corpus Luteum*
Gestational Age
Pregnancy Maintenance
Retrospective Studies
Uterine Hemorrhage
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