Korean J Blood Transfus.  2000 Jun;11(1):19-25.

An Experience of Blood Donor Registry

  • 1Department of Medical Research, Central Red Cross Blood Center, Seoul, Korea.


One component of the multiple layers of protection that maintain blood safety at each blood collection facility is a safe donor registry containing the identity of individuals who are eligible to donate blood components for transfusion. Safe blood donor registry also makes it possible to supply of apheresis blood components to patients by appointed blood donation. We attempted to register safe and voluntary repeat donors from low-risk populations who provided a blood donation that was negative on all laboratory screening tests with the computerized donor registry system.
Safe donors were explained and recommended by charged nurse about the blood donor registry. When they agreed with it, they became a member of the program. The donors made an appointment of the following donation date and type that they wanted. Volunteer workers and nurses confirmed the appointed date by telephone 1 week before. RESLUT: Our blood center had maintained donor registry of 452 entries. Above 65% of them were office workers and college students. They donated 1084 units after the registration (mean donation times : 2.4 / one person). Male donors (86.5%) were more than females (13.5%). They were likely to donate apheresis-plasma (80%) rather than other types of blood donation. The intervals between donations were about 8-12 weeks (W/B), 3-4 weeks (apheresis-plamsa) and 2-3 weeks (apheresis platelet). Only 44.4% of appointed donors returned to donate. But appointed apheresis-platelet donors responded at higher returning rates than other groups.
The blood donor registry that retains safe and substantial blood donors should be taken root in red cross blood centers sooner or later. The discriminative benefits for the registered blood donors such as health screening tests and medical counsel must be provided to maintain the registered donors and to increse the return rate for the appointed blood donors.


Donor registry; Safe donor; Repeat donor; Appointed blood donors

MeSH Terms

Blood Component Removal
Blood Donors*
Blood Safety
Mass Screening
Red Cross
Tissue Donors
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