J Korean Pediatr Soc.  1977 May;20(5):347-356.

A Statistical Study of Prematurity and Low Birth Weight

  • 1Department of Medical Science The Graduate School, Yonsei University, Korea.


Until 1961, the term premature infants?had been arbitrarily appiled to all small newborn infants(birth weight less than 2,500gm). This term tends to obscure the influence of other factors on the duration of gestation. In 1961, the Expert Committee on Maternal and Child health of the W.H.O. urges what the concept of ptrmaturity in the defiinition should give way of that of low birth weight? So the phrase how birth weight?is used for infants who weigh 2,500gm or less at birth. And premature?is used for infants born before therty-seven weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period. The paper summarized the result of the data obtained from 915 premature and 878 low birth weight infants delivered at the maternity ward of Severance Hospital, Jonju presbyterian Hospital and Wonju Christian Hospital during 3 years from 1970 to 1972. The purpose of this clinical study was to know about birth rate and mortality rate of premature and lowbirth weight which is associated with state of maternal condition. Results as of 1lows: 1) Incidence of prematurity was 9.6%and low birth weight was 9.4%. When twin births were excluded the incidence of prematurity was 8.3% and low birth weight was 7.9%. In prematurity, male exceded the female and in low birth weight, female exceeded the male, but there was statistical significance only in low birth weight. 2) Premature in low birth weight were 58.3%and low birth weight in premature were 56.0%. 3) Premature and low birth weight were most prevalent among moghers under 20 years and over 35 years. 4) Premature and low birth weight were most prevalent among primigravida and multiparity, over 5. Fetal presentation of prenature and low birth weight was more abnormal than that of total live birth, such as brech presentation, transverse lie and etc. 5) Most of the prenatal maternal obstetrical complications were toxemia and spontaneous premature rupture of membrane, others were in the as following order: Placenta previa, avruptio placenta, I.I.O.C. and etc. Espicially, toxemia was more frewuent among low birth weight ifant's mothers than permature mothers. 6) Neonatal mortality rate of premature was lower than that of low birth wieght, Mortality rate was higher in male than female and more prevalent in cases where mogher did not have complications. The shorter gestation period and lower birth weight, the hegher the mortality rate of premature and low birth weight infant. About 80% survival rate was seen where there was over 33 week gestation period and over 1,750-2,000gm birth wieght. And So. Ofr decrease the mortality, we need to prolong the duration of pregnany, at least, to over 33 gestation week and birth weight over 1,750gm.

MeSH Terms

Birth Rate
Birth Weight
Child Health
Infant Mortality
Infant, Low Birth Weight*
Infant, Newborn
Labor Presentation
Live Birth
Placenta Previa
Statistics as Topic*
Survival Rate
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