J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.
2003 Sep;44(9):2166-2170.
A Case of Primary Malignant Lymphoma Occurred in Orbit and Cavernous Sinus
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Ophthalmology, Chonnam University Collese of Medicine Gwangju, Korea. ophyoon@hanmail.net
- 2Best Eye Clinic, Gwangju, Korea.
Primary malignant lymphoma is rarely occurs in orbit, and it needs systemic evaluation after confirmed diagnosis and radiotherapy or chemotherapy. We report a very rare case of malignant lymphoma occurred in orbit and cavernous sinus METHODS: A 69 year-old male patient was consulted for right blepharoptosis manifested about 2 months ago. Orbital CT revealed 3 X 2 cm sized orbital mass simultaneously involving cavernous sinus. Biopsy and histological examination were performed.
The examination showed a diffuse large B cell-type malignant lymphoma, and the mass was markedly reduced by radiation.
We report a rare case of malignant lymphoma simultaneously involving orbit and cavernous sinus with lirerature review. We confirmed it by biopsy and obtained satisfied result by radiation therapy.