J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  2012 Aug;52(2):103-106. 10.3340/jkns.2012.52.2.103.

New Diagnostic Tool for Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation : The Clinical Usefulness of 3-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Myelography Comparing with the Discography CT

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Institute for Medical Sciences, Chonbuk National University Medical School and Hospital, Jeonju, Korea. spineeun@chonbuk.ac.kr


To prospectively assess the diagnostic and clinical value of a new technique (3-tesla magnetic resonance myelography, 3T MRM) as compared to computed tomographic discography (disco-CT) in patients with far lateral disc herniation.
We evaluated 3T MRM and disco-CT of 25 patients, whom we suspected of suffering from far lateral disc herniation. Using an assessment scale, 4 observers examined independently both 3T MRM and disco-CT images. We analyzed observer agreement and the accentuation of each image.
We found complete matching, and observer agreement, between high resolution images of 3T MRM and disco-CT for diagnosing far lateral disc herniation.
We think noninvasive 3T MRM is an appropriate diagnostic tool for far lateral disc herniation as compared to disco-CT.


Magnetic resonance imaging; Far lateral disc herniation; Myelography; Discography

MeSH Terms

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Prospective Studies
Stress, Psychological


  • Fig. 1 Imaging studies of 65-year-old man with right sciatica. 3-Tesla magnetic resonance myelography (3T MRM) shows same results as computed tomography discography (disco-CT). A : 3T MRM demonstrates right sided far lateral disc herniation at L4/5 level (white arrow) compressing L4 nerve root. B : Disco-CT demonstrates right sided far lateral disc herniation (white arrow).

  • Fig. 2 Signal changes due to perineural edema and degenerative changes and thickening of the proximal portion of spinal nerve roots and ganglions compare to contralateral side (white arrow).


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