J Breast Cancer.  2016 Mar;19(1):96-98. 10.4048/jbc.2016.19.1.96.

Comments on the "Prognostic Impact and Clinicopathological Correlation of CD133 and ALDH1 Expression in Invasive Breast Cancer"

  • 1Department of Human Pathology "Gaetano Barresi", University of Messina, Messina; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria "Policlinico Gaetano Martino", Messina, Italy. aieni@unime.it


No abstract available.

MeSH Terms


Cited by  1 articles

Comments on the "Prognostic Impact and Clinicopathological Correlation of CD133 and ALDH1 Expression in Invasive Breast Cancer" and the "Commentary by Antonio Ieni and Giovanni Tuccari"
Christine A. Fargeas, Denis Corbeil
J Breast Cancer. 2016;19(3):336-338.    doi: 10.4048/jbc.2016.19.3.336.


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