J Adv Prosthodont.  2013 Aug;5(3):364-368. 10.4047/jap.2013.5.3.364.

The evaluation of maximum bite force in the occlusal rehabilitation of patient with Angle Class III malocclusion: a case report

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. dtduygukc@hotmail.com


The case report describes the occlusal rehabilitation of a male patient with Angle Class III malocclusion and its effect on maximum bite force. The main complaints of patient were masticatory difficulty and poor esthetic. The patient's expectations from the treatment were a good esthetic and function with a less invasive and relatively promptly way. Therefore, increasing of the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and then restoring the maxillary and mandibular teeth was chosen by the patient among the treatment options. At the beginning of treatment maximum bite force of patient was measured. Then an occlusal splint was provided to evaluate the adaptation of the patient to the altered OVD. Full mouth rehabilitation with metal ceramic restorations was made. After the completion of full mouth restoration, bite force measurement was repeated and patient exhibited increased maximum bite force. Full mouth restorative treatment in a patient with Class III malocclusion could be an effective treatment approach to resolve esthetic concern and to improve masticatory function related to maximum bite force.


Angle Class III; Bite force; Full mouth restoration; Vertical dimension

MeSH Terms

Bite Force
Malocclusion, Angle Class III
Metal Ceramic Alloys
Mouth Rehabilitation
Occlusal Splints
Vertical Dimension
Metal Ceramic Alloys


  • Fig. 1 Lateral facial view of patient.

  • Fig. 2 Intraoral view of patient.

  • Fig. 3 Occlusal splint fabricated to evaluate the adaptation of the patient to altered occlusal vertical dimension.

  • Fig. 4 After preparation of maxillary and mandibular teeth.

  • Fig. 5 Final intraoral view.

  • Fig. 6 Frontal view of measurement of maximum bite force.


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