Korean J Urol.  2014 Dec;55(12):789-796. 10.4111/kju.2014.55.12.789.

Overview of Pediatric Testicular Tumors in Korea

  • 1Department of Urology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Korea. lsd@pusan.ac.kr


Prepubertal testicular tumors are rare compared with postpubertal testicular tumors. The incidence of prepubertal testicular tumors peaks at 2 years of age, tapers off after 4 years of age, and then begins to rise again at puberty. Prepubertal and postpubertal testicular tumors show many differences, including the typical tumor histology, molecular biological differences, and the malignant potential of tumors at different ages. Pediatric testicular tumors are classified as benign or malignant on the basis of their clinical behavior and histologically are divided into germ cell and gonadal stromal (nongerm cell) tumors. Many histological and biological studies have further confirmed the distinct nature of prepubertal and postpubertal testicular tumors. These differences have led to various management strategies for prepubertal and postpubertal tumors. Because overall about 75% of prepubertal testicular tumors are benign, a testis-sparing approach is becoming more common in children. Orchiectomy and observation with very selective use of chemotherapy has become the standard approach when a malignant tumor is identified. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and radiation therapy play very limited roles.


Child; Pediatrics; Testicular germ cell tumor; Testicular neoplasms

MeSH Terms

Age Distribution
Republic of Korea/epidemiology
Testicular Neoplasms/*diagnosis/epidemiology/etiology/*therapy


  • FIG. 1 Number of cases of prepubertal testicular tumors in various age groups in Korea [8,9].

  • FIG. 2 Algorithm for managing prepubertal testicular tumors. AFP, alphafetoprotein.


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