Imaging Sci Dent.  2013 Jun;43(2):71-75. 10.5624/isd.2013.43.2.71.

Position of the mental foramen in a Moroccan population: A radiographic study

  • 1Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Morocco.


This study was performed to determine the position of the mental foramen relative to the apices of the teeth based on panoramic radiographs in a Moroccan population. We also analyzed gender differences and the symmetry of location within individuals.
Seven hundred ninety-four panoramic radiographs were evaluated with regard to the location and symmetry of the mental foramina in male and female subjects. The results were analyzed using Pearson's chi2 and Fisher's exact test.
Of the 794 panoramic radiographs, 377 met the inclusion criteria for at least one side. The mental foramen was located just below the apex of the second premolar in 62.7% of the patients and between the first and second premolars in 30%. It was symmetrically located in 79%. No statistically significant differences were found between males and females in the position and symmetry of the mental foramen.
The most common position for the mental foramen in this sample was in line with the second premolar.


Mandibular Nerve; Radiography, Panoramic; Morocco; Population

MeSH Terms

Mandibular Nerve
Radiography, Panoramic


  • Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the numeric expression of the mental foramen position relative to the teeth.

  • Fig. 2 Mental foramen in position 5 between the apices of the second premolar and the first molar mesial root on the right side and in position 6 at the mesial half of the first molar on the left side.

  • Fig. 3 Mental foramen in position 4 at the apex of the second premolar on both sides.

  • Fig. 4 Mental foramen in position 3 between the apices of the first and second premolar on both sides.


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