J Korean Fract Soc.  2014 Jan;27(1):29-35. 10.12671/jkfs.2014.27.1.29.

The Clinical Results of Opening Wedge Osteotomy in the Volarly Malunited Distal Radius

  • 1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. lsjmd@naver.com


To report the clinical results of opening wedge osteotomy graft in the volarly malunited distal radius.
Ten patients with volarly malunited distal radius fractures treated by opening wedge osteotomy were included in this study. Grip power, range of motion of the wrist, radiographic parameter and Mayo wrist scores were retrospectively evaluated.
At the final follow-up, the rotation of the forearm, the range of motion of wrist, and the grip power were improved. The average radial inclination improved to 22.2degrees, the average volar tilting improved to 5.6degrees, and the average ulnar variance improved to 0.8 mm. The average Mayo wrist score was improved to 85.6.
Opening wedge osteotomy for volarly malunited distal radius was considered as one of the good treatments to restore anatomy of the distal radius and distal radioulnar joint and also to improve the function of the wrist joint.


Distal radius; Malunion; Opening wedge osteotomy

MeSH Terms

Follow-Up Studies
Hand Strength
Radius Fractures
Range of Motion, Articular
Retrospective Studies
Wrist Joint


  • Fig. 1 Intraoperative photographs show surgical approach (A), wedge osteotomy and wedge shaped iliac bone (B, C, D), and plate fixation (E).

  • Fig. 2 (A, B) Initial simple radiographs show unstable distal radius fracture. (C, D) Simple radiographs after external fixation and K-wire fixation show radial inclination of 20°, volar tilt 5°, and neutral ulnar variance. (E, F) Simple radiographs after removal of external fixation and K-wire show the volarly malunited distal radius with volar tilt of 25°, 12° radial inclination, 3 mm ulnar positive variance. (G, H) Simple radiographs after open wedge osteotomy show a good alignment of distal radius with volar tilt of 5°, 25° radial inclination, 0 mm ulnar variance.

  • Fig. 3 (A, B) Initial simple radiographs show Colles' fracture with ulnar styloid fracture. (C, D) Simple radiographs after closed reduction and splinting show a good alignment of distal radius. (E, F) At 2 months after trauma, simple radiographs show volarly displaced distal radius fracture with volar tilt of 30°, 15° radial inclination, 5 mm ulnar positive variance. (G, H) Simple radiographs after open wedge osteotomy show a good alignment of distal radius with volar tilt of 10°, 23° radial inclination, 0 mm ulnar variance.


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