J Korean Soc Spine Surg.  2008 Sep;15(3):140-148. 10.4184/jkss.2008.15.3.140.

Anterior Decompression and Fusion in the Treatment of Single-level Cervical Disc Herniation: Plate Fixation vs Cage

  • 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea. par73@yonsei.ac.kr


STUDY DESIGN: This is a retrospective study.
We analyzed the radiological and clinical results to verify the efficacy of anterior interbody fusion with using cages gradually increases in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy. SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW: Anterior cervical decompression and fusion is well accepted treatments for cervical radiculopathy. Performing anterior interbody fusion using cages has recently gradually increased to minimize the extent of surgery. While there are numerous reports on the primary stabilizing effects of the cervical cages, little is known about the subsidence behavior of such cages in vivo.
We retrospectively analyzed 38 patients with cervical disc herniation who underwent anterior decompression and interbody fusion with autoiliac bone graft and plate fixation (Group I, 21 patients) or who underwent with standalone cage (Group II, 17 patients). We statistically analyzed the changes of the cervical lordosis, the segmental lordosis, the vertebral body height, the fusion rate on the plain x-ray and the clinical results with using a pain visual analogue scale.
All the cases were fused by 11.2+/-2.7 weeks after operation. The changes of the cervical lordosis and segmental lordosis show no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p=0.07, 0.66). The anterior and posterior vertebral heights of the fused segments of group II were more decreased than those of group I, but there was no statistically difference between the two groups (p=0.06, 0.30). The clinical results were not statistically difference between the two groups (p=0.64, 0.45).
Implantation of autoiliac cancellous bone impacted stand-alone cages or on a tricortical iliac crest autograft after anterior decompression was safe and reliable options for the treatment of cervical disc herniation that causes single level radiculopathy. Both procedures produced equally satisfying clinical and radiological results, leading to a high fusion rate and they maintained the intervertebral height.


Cervical radiculopathy; Anterior interbody fusion; Cage

MeSH Terms

Body Height
Retrospective Studies


  • Fig. 1. 36-years-old female with cervical disc herniation on C3-4. (A) Preoperative lateral roentgenogram. (B)Lateral radiograph, immediately after surgery, shows anterior cervical fusion with autogenous iliac bone and cervical locking plate. (C) Lateral radiograph, 6years after surgery, shows the solid union of grafted bone. (D) Lateral roentgenogram of flexion/extention view that shows no motion at fused level. (E) Sagittal MRI, 6years after surgery, shows the solid union at fused level.

  • Fig. 2. 43-years-old female with cervical disc herniation on C4-5. (A) Preoperative lateral roentgenogram. (B), (C) T1 weighted sagittal and axial MRI image show a C4-5 disc herniation. (D) Lateral radiograph, immediately after surgery, show anterior cervical fusion with Solis PEEK cage that packed with cancellous iliac bone. (E) Lateral radiograph, 16 months after surgery, shows the solid union at fused level but disc height is decreased slightly than after surgery.

  • Fig. 3. Radiograph showing linear and angular measurement.


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