J Korean Fract Soc.  2010 Jul;23(3):263-269. 10.12671/jkfs.2010.23.3.263.

Comparison of Bone Mineral Density in Elderly Patients over 65 Years according to Presence and Types of Hip Fracture

  • 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea. yul2zzang@nate.com


We measured the BMD of elderly patients with osteoporotic hip fracture in order to understand the relationship between BMD of each sites and hip fracture occurrence or the types, and also to suggest a reference point for starting an osteoporosis treatment program.
From July 2007 to February 2010, we investigated total 147 elderly osteoporotic hip fracture patients over 65 years. For control group, 80 patients who were over 65-year-old and did not have any fracture were selected. BMD was compared at each site between each groups statistically.
In the comparison of femur intertrochanter and neck fracture groups, BMD of femur neck and trochanter areas and L2, L3 areas were significantly less in intertrochanteric fracture group. In the analysis according to the classification of intertrochanteric fracture, BMD of intertrochanter and Ward's triangle area were significantly less in unstable fracture group than stable one. Each of the fracture threshold of intertrochanteric and neck fracture group was -1.10 and -1.36 of the T-score in proximal femur, and -1.40 and -1.40 of the T-score in lumbar vertebrae.
To examine the BMD of both proximal femur and lumbar vertebrae areas is helpful to predict the hip fracture occurrence and the type of hip fracture. And for the prevention of hip fracture in elderly patients over 65 years, we propose that the aggressive treatment of osteoporosis should be started to prevent fracture for patients with a T-score less than -1.40.


Proximal femur; Femur intertrochanteric & neck fracture; Bone mineral density

MeSH Terms

Bone Density
Femur Neck
Lumbar Vertebrae


  • Fig. 1 Reporting sheet of BMD (bone mineral density) of proximal femur (A) and lumbar spine (B) by Hologic QDR Discovery-Wi (S/N 82756), Hologic INC, USA.

DB Error: unknown error