J Korean Soc Transplant.  2010 Jun;24(2):69-72. 10.4285/jkstn.2010.24.2.69.

Transplantation Options in Type 1 Diabetes with End Stage Renal Disease

  • 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. jaehyeon@skku.edu


For patients with type 1 diabetes complicated by end stage renal disease (ESRD), kidney transplantation prolongs life and frees the recipient from the substantial morbidities of dialysis. Transplantation of whole pancreas has emerged as an effective treatment modality for patients with diabetes mellitus, especially those with established end-stage renal disease. However, it is not clear that transplantation of the pancreas itself prolongs the life of the recipient. Living donor kidney transplant (LDKT) and simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant (SPKT) provide distinct benefits over deceased donor kidney transplant (DDKT) alone. But, previous studies have not demonstrated that the SPKT approach prolongs life compared with LDKT. Patients who receive an LDKT can later opt for a pancreas after kidney transplant (PAKT) or an islet after kidney transplant (IAKT). Therefore, when a transplant doctor is counseling a patient with type 1 diabetes and ESRD and has a live donor, the decision about whether to proceed with an LDKT or to remain on the waiting list for an SPKT requires careful consideration. The aim of this review was to summarize the current status and outcomes of SPKT, LDKT, IAKT, and PAKT and their effects on survival of patients with type 1 diabetes and ESRD.


Type 1 diabetes mellitus; End stage renal disease (ESRD); Islet cell transplantation; Pancreas transplantation; Kidney transplantation

MeSH Terms

Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Kidney Failure, Chronic
Kidney Transplantation
Living Donors
Pancreas Transplantation
Tissue Donors
Waiting Lists



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