Yonsei Med J.  2011 Sep;52(5):851-855. 10.3349/ymj.2011.52.5.851.

IL-10 is Predominantly Produced by CD19(low)CD5(+) Regulatory B Cell Subpopulation: Characterisation of CD19 (high) and CD19(low) Subpopulations of CD5(+) B cells

  • 1Department of Paediatrics, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
  • 2Department of Animal Biotechnology, College of Animal Bioscience & Technology, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Paediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea. admyth@naver.com
  • 4Department of Immunology, College of Medicine, Konkuk University, Chungju, Korea.
  • 5Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.


IL-10 production by CD19(+)CD5(+) B cells was investigated, by determining the expression levels of CD19, a classical B cell marker. Peripheral mononuclear cells were stained with fluorescence-conjugated anti-CD5, anti-CD19, anti-IL-10, and Annexin V. Interestingly, IL-10-producing B cells were found to be localised within the CD19(low)CD5(+) B cell subset. Apoptotic changes were also observed mainly in CD19(low) cells among B cells. Thus, CD5(+) B cells should be classified as CD19(high) and CD19(low) cells, and the immunological significance of CD19 for the IL-10 production by CD5(+) B cells requires further studies.


Regulatory B cell; CD5; CD19; IL-10; CD5(+) B

MeSH Terms

Antigens, CD19/metabolism
Antigens, CD5/metabolism
B-Lymphocyte Subsets/cytology/*immunology
Cell Separation
Flow Cytometry


  • Fig. 1 CD19(high) and CD19(low) subpopulations of B cells. Fresh PBMCs from normal human subjects were stained for CD19 and CD5. (A) Histogram of CD19 expression in CD5(-) cells and CD5(+) B cells, (B) CD19(high) and CD19(low) B cells by CD5 and CD19 expression, (C) CD19(high) and CD19(low) B cells by SSC, (D) CD19(high) and CD19(low) B cells by FSC. CD19H, CD19 (high) B cells; CD19L, CD19(low) B cells.

  • Fig. 2 Apoptosis of CD19(high) and CD19(low) B cells. CD19, APC-conjugated CD19; Annexin V, FITC-conjugated Annexin V. APC, allophycocyanin.

  • Fig. 3 Demarcation of B cell subpopulations according to the expression of CD5 and CD19. (A) Resolving CD19(high) and CD19(low) cells by the expression of CD5, (B) Zebra plotting of CD19(high) and CD19(low) cells by the expression of CD19 and CD5, (C) Demarcation of B cell subpopulations according to the expression of CD5 and CD19. *1 arrow, CD19(low)CD5(-) B cells; *2 arrow CD19(low)CD5(+) B cells; CD5(-), CD5(-) cells; CD5(+), CD5(+) cells; CD19(high), CD19(high) B cells; CD19(low), CD19(low) B cells.

  • Fig. 4 Representative IL-10 production and apoptosis profiles of B cell populations subdivided by CD19 and CD5 expression (A). (B) CD19(high)CD5(-) B cells (section a); (C) CD19(high)CD5(+) B cells (section b); (D) CD19(+)CD5(-) B cells; (E) CD19(low)CD5(-) B cells (section c); (F) CD19(low)CD5(+) B cells (section d). The percentage of each population is indicated in the plotting box. X-axis, PE-conjugated IL-10 expression; Y-axis, FITC-conjugated Annexin V; Arrow, IL-10-producing CD19(+) B cells.

  • Fig. 5 IL-10 production from CD19(low)CD5(+) B cells among B cells. (A) Resolving CD19(high) and CD19(low) cells by the expression of CD19 and IL-10 (upper box, zebra plotting; lower box, density plotting of CD19(+) B cells for IL-10 production, (B) IL-10-producing cell frequency (%) in B cell populations divided on the basis of CD19 and CD5 expression. *1 arrow, IL-10-producing CD19(low) B cells; *2 and *3 arrow, non-IL-10-producign CD19(high) and CD19(low). B cells; IL-10(+) total, total IL-10-producing B cells; Annexin V(+)/IL-10(+), IL-10-producing B cells undergoing apoptosis; Annexin V(-)/IL-10(+), IL-10-producing B cells without apoptosis.

Cited by  1 articles

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Jinhyun Kim, Hyun Ji Lee, In Seol Yoo, Seong Wook Kang, Jae Ho Lee
Yonsei Med J. 2014;55(5):1354-1358.    doi: 10.3349/ymj.2014.55.5.1354.


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