KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites.
A case of lymphoepithelial carcinoma occurring in the left submandibular
salivary gland is presented. Histologic features of this rare malignancy are
described in detail. This unusual carcinoma has been...
Sebaceous carcinoma of the salivary gland is an extremely unordinary malignancy occurring mainly in the parotid gland. Sebaceous carcinoma arising in the submandibular gland is exceptional and only three cases...
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma originated from salivary gland is a lower grade neoplasm that rises most commonly in major salivary glands, although involvement of lip, palate, buccal mucosa and tongue has also...
Oncocytic neoplasm of the head and neck region accounts for approximately 1% of all salivary gland tumors, but only 5% of oncocytic neoplasm is malignant. Oncocytic carcinoma arising in the...