KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites.
Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that results in postnatal growth failure and progressive neurological dysfunction. Associated clinical features are gait disturbance, progressive pigmentary retinopathy and other ocular...
Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of childhood characterized by cachectic dwarfism with senile-like appearance, mental retardation, photosensitive dermatitis, loss of adipose tissue, pigmentary degeneration of retina, microcephaly,...
Shin HK, Kim GH, Yim HE, Yoo KH, Hong YS, Lee JW, Won NH
KMID: 1898242
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol.
2007 Apr;11(1):100-105.
Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cachectic dwarfism, mental retardation, loss of facial subcutaneous adipose tissue, microcephaly and photosensitive dermatitis. It is associated with renal abnormalities...
The Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal (COFS) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by multiple abnormalities that involve the brain, face, eyes, and extremities. COFS syndrome is regarded as a degenerative disorder...