J Korean Med Assoc.  2023 Nov;66(11):658-666. 10.5124/jkma.2023.66.11.658.

AI-powered medical devices for practical clinicians including the diagnosis of colorectal polyps

  • 1Department of Gastroenterology, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea


The integration of medical devices with artificial intelligence (AI) software is rapidly advancing as technology progresses. AI machine learning can be used in commercial medical services to generate practical data; there is evidence that it can be integrated into newly developed devices. However, such devices must undergo approval, regulation, and supervision. The Food and Drug Administration approves regulations for numerous machine-learning medical devices and shares open lists with the public. In this article, we examine recent medical AI devices in different fields, including the diagnosis of colorectal polyps.
Current Concepts
Currently, in the field of gastroenterology, there has been a significant amount of research aimed at enhancing adenoma detection rates using tools powered by AI, such as the EndoScreener and GI Genius. Various such devices have also been developed for other fields; examples include the 23andMe Personal Genome Service for DNA detection, Spectral MD’s DeepView platform for wound imaging in surgery, Gili Pro BioSensor for monitoring vital signs, DreaMed Advisor Pro for diabetes, Minuteful for urinary analysis, BrainScope TBI for cerebral diagnosis, Compumedics Sleep Monitoring System for sleep disorders, Idx-DR v2.3 for ophthalmology, and EarliPoint system for pediatrics.
Discussion and Conclusion
By the time this article is published, it is likely that even more AI medical devices will have been approved and commercialized. The development of such devices should be strongly encouraged. Additionally, we anticipate greater involvement from practitioners in the development and validation of diverse medical AI devices in Korea.


Artificial intelligence; Equipment and supplies; Machine learning; 인공지능; 의료장비와 물품; 기계학습
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