J Korean Acad Oral Health.  2022 Jun;46(2):99-105. 10.11149/jkaoh.2022.46.2.99.

Effect of the level of digital literacy of dental hygienists on occupational self-efficacy and organizational commitment

  • 1Department of Dentistry, Jeju National University Hospital, Jeju, Korea
  • 2Department of Dentistry, College of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea


This study aims to assess dental hygienists’ level of digital literacy and its effect on occupational self-efficacy and organizational commitment.
The online survey results, obtained from 307 respondents, were statistically analyzed using frequency analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis with the IBM SPSS 20.0 software.
The factors affecting the technology portion of digital literacy included age (P<0.001), years in career (P<0.001), number of personnel in workplace (P=0.009), level of education (P=0.001), region of workplace (P=0.002), and form of workplace (P=0.021). The factors affecting the application portion of digital literacy included age (P<0.001), years in career (P=0.009), and number of personnel in the workplace (P=0.008). The level of occupational self-efficacy positively affected the technology portion of digital literacy, while organizational commitment positively affected the technology portion and negatively affected the application portion of digital literacy.
Although this study has limitations, it carries significance as a survey of dental hygienists’ digital literacy standing. To adapt to and function in the current society of digital informatics, ongoing education and research on digital literacy are warranted.


Dental hygienist; Digital literacy; Occupational self-efficacy; Organizational commitment



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