J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs.  2011 Sep;22(3):333-341. 10.12799/jkachn.2011.22.3.333.

Married Immigrant Women's Utilization of Health Care and Needs of Health Services

  • 1Department of Nursing, Sunmoon University, Korea. emkim@sunmoon.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to analyze married immigrant women's utilization of health care and their demand for public health care services.
This study was conducted through descriptive survey with 102 married immigrant women in 2 cities, and survey was done from November, 2010 to May, 2011.
The results were as follows. Of respondents, 70% were using medical services in Korea and only 38.2% of them were satisfied with services. Major difficulties in using health care services were 'access problem' (35.7%), 'communication problem' (27.7%), and 'medical cost' (19.8%). The respondents' main sources of health information were family (56%), health care center (15%). The types of health information and education demanded by respondents were children's health care (22.1%), pregnancy and delivery (21.1%), and common disease care (20.0%). The most wanted services from public health care institutions were vaccination (24.5%), health promotion (21.5%), and leisure activity programs (20.6%). There was a statistically significant difference in period of immigration and public health care demands.
For married female immigrants, it is recommended to provide tailored public health care services such as outreach service and visiting nursing care service, and to set up different language signs for common disease patients.


Immigrant; Health services needs

MeSH Terms

Surveys and Questionnaires
Delivery of Health Care*
Emigrants and Immigrants*
Emigration and Immigration
Health Promotion
Health Services Needs and Demand
Health Services*
Leisure Activities
Nursing Care
Public Health

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