J Korean Acad Periodontol.  2009 Sep;39(3):311-320. 10.5051/jkape.2009.39.3.311.

A retrospective study of the dental implants placed in the controlled diabetes mellitus patients

  • 1Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. shchoi726@yuhs.ac


The aim of the present study was to analyze 7-year cumulative survival rate (CSR, %) of dental implants in the controlled diabetic patients and to evaluate the influence of the position, diameter and length of fixture, bone quality, age, gender and the method of maxillary sinus elevation on the survival rate.
The data of 342 placed implants in the 104 diabetic patients collected between 1995 and 2007 at the Department of Periodontology in Yonsei University Hospital were analyzed.
Seven-year CSR of the 342 dental implants in the 104 controlled diabetic patients was 96.5%. The survival rates of the placed implants according the position have no statistically significant difference. The survival rates according to the length or diameter of the fixtures have no statistically significant difference. The survival rates according to the bone quality were 100% (Type I), 97.1% (Type II), 97.7% (Type III) and 85.7%(Type IV). The difference between the survival rate of Type I, II and III and that of Type IV was statistically significant. The survival rates according to patient gender were 96.8% (male), 95.5% (female). The survival rates according to patient age were 100% (< or = 59), 93.8% (> or = 60). The survival rates according to the method of sinus elevation in the maxillary posterior area were 96.8% (without sinus elevation), 92.9% (lateral approach) and 89.8% (crestal approach).
Dental implants can be used successfully in the controlled diabetic patients. In case of upper posterior region which has poor bone density and older patients, the implant treatment should be more properly planed, executed, and followed-up.


dental implants; diabetes mellitus; survival rate

MeSH Terms

Bone Density
Dental Implants
Diabetes Mellitus
Maxillary Sinus
Retrospective Studies
Survival Rate
Dental Implants


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