J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1982 Sep;23(3):499-508.

Biomicroscopic Observation of Plica Semilunaris and Caruncle

  • 1Department of Opthalmology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


The plica semilunaris is a narrow crescentic fold of conjunctiva, corresponding to the third eyelid or nictitating membrane of the lower vertebrates. The caruncle is a small, soft, pink ovoid body, situated in the lacus lacrimalis to the medial side of the plica semilunaris. Plica semilunaris and caruncle were described morphologically by many investigators in foreign countries but Korea. The shape of plica semilunaris, the extent of exposure of the caruncle and hairs on the caruncle, in 960 normal Korean eyes with no history of external diseases, were observed biomicroscopically. The results were as follows: 1. In primary position, lateral free margin of the plica semilunaris was devided morphologically into 5 forms. among which 2nd form was most frequently seen but 3rd and 4th forms were rare. The 1st form was seen below age 20, whereas 5th form over 21. 2. In abducting position, form of the plica semilunaris was devided into 8 forms, 6th form was most frequent in male but 1st form in female. This discrepancy between male and female was of statistical significance. 3. The extent of exposure of the caruncle in palpebral fissure was devided into 6 forms depending on the ages. Below the age of 20, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd forms, caruncle is exposed less than half in size, were observed mostly. Over the age of 21, 4th, 5th and 6th forms, caruncle is exposed more than half in size, were seen mostly, 5th form was frequent in male and 4th form in female. It was statistically significant that the more is the extent of exposure of the caruncle, the older they are. 4. In the caruncle, the hairs were one to ten in number mostly, black in color mostly, directed toward medial canthus or forward, situated in lower portion near the medial canthus.

MeSH Terms

Nictitating Membrane
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