J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg.  1999 Sep;26(5):834-837.

Repair of Microform Cleft Lip with Minimal Incision


Microform cleft lip is a mild form of incomplete cleft lip, also known as a minimal occult, abortive, forme fruste cleft lip. However, it has no definition and few methods have been reported for its correction. A microform cleft lip is characterized as the incomplete union of the superficial portion of the orbicularis oris muscle. It is more prominent during facial expression than in a resting state. We confined microform cleft lip in our study to the absence of philtral skin change and a contracted position on the top of cupid's bow. During the past 5 years, 17 patients of microform cleft lip were operated on. We corrected the defect of the upper vermilion border and nostril sill with minimal incision, and repaired the underlying lip musculature in superficial discontinuity. Reduction of the widened alar base was performed. Deformed alar cartilage was dissected via rim incision, and suspended in a medial and upper direction with pull-out sutures. The most important thing is precise repair of the superficial portion of the separated orbicularis oris muscle via minimal incision, and it is best to operate after 1-year of age for accurate repair. The results were satisfactory and the parents were also satisfied. The advantages of this procedure are as follows: 1. Less visible, minimal scar on upper lip 2. Simultaneous correction of vermillion notching, deformed cupid's bow and nasal deformity. 3. Eversion of philtral ridge due to tenting effect of horizontal mattress suture 4. Philtral elongation effect by reduction of alar base and Z-plasty of cupid's bow.

MeSH Terms

Cleft Lip*
Congenital Abnormalities
Facial Expression
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